Early Education Programs
The Blue Cross of Idaho Foundation for Health recognizes the importance and value of early childhood education programs. We provide catalytic funding for the creation and expansion of early education opportunities. We also help connect early education programs with community partners for curriculum and support. Below are some of the early education programs we’ve supported.
Castleford School District
We helped this small school district in rural Twin Falls County launch its first ever preschool program in the Fall of 2022. This program is crucial as there are no other preschools or childcare facilities in the community. The school is already seeing an increase in the kindergarten readiness skills of their students.

Homedale School District
The Homedale School District, located in rural Owyhee County, had been seeing a decline in kindergarten readiness of students. District leadership proposed launching a preschool that would help prepare children for kindergarten and also help the district retain teachers because the area lacked options for early education and childcare.

Lincoln County Youth Center
This youth center is the first of its kind in rural Lincoln County. It serves the communities of Dietrich, Richfield and Shoshone. The center offers a variety of youth-related services, including preschool and out-of-school programming.

Nezperce School District
The community of Nezperce saw the value of early education when it passed a school levy that helped fund preschool a few days a week in the school, located in Lewis County. Our funding helped expand the early childhood education program to five days a week.