The Blue Cross of Idaho Foundation for Health is having some of its community efforts evaluated by FSG, a global, mission-driven consulting firm that works with charitable foundations and nonprofits to help its clients create social impact.

FSG has worked with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Walton Family Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and many other foundations. FSG’s strategic learning and evaluation practice helps organizations desiring to make transformational change understand the progress and impact of their investments and develop the supports needed to continually learn from their work.

FSG started a three-year contract with the Foundation earlier in June to evaluate the effectiveness of its Community Transformation Grant (CTG) process. CTGs are multiyear grants worth up to $250,000 that help mobilize communities to promote physical activity and access to healthy foods among their youth.

“This evaluation process by FSG will help us understand what we’re doing well and where we can make improvements to our processes,” said Kendra Witt-Doyle, executive director of the Foundation. “Ultimately, this evaluation will help us make us a bigger impact in Idaho communities and continue to help make transformational changes that will last for generations.”

FSG is working closely with Foundation staff and the new CTG recipients Orofino and Twin Falls. The firm also will evaluate work done in previous grant cities – Bonners Ferry, Kuna, Lapwai, Middleton, Nampa, Rexburg and Sandpoint.

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